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Sound Generation Settings

Syllable Settings

  • Shape
    • Syllable shape in the format "CVC", where C represents a consonant and V represents a vowel. The smallest allowed shape is "V".
  • Consonants
    • All acceptable consonants that are allowed to appear in sounds.
  • Vowels
    • All acceptable vowels and diphthongs that are allowed to appear in sounds.
  • Cluster Matrix
    • Represents which manners of consonants can follow a given consonant's manner in a consonant cluster.
  • Allow Crowding
    • If false, prevent unvoiced consonants from following voiced consonants.

Stress Settings

  • Primary, Middle, and Ultimate Syllable Shapes
    • Each shape type represents where in a sound-word a shape can appear. The following represents how they are used:
      • 1 Syllable word: (Primary)
      • 2 Syllable word: (Primary).(Ultimate)
      • 3+ Syllable word: (Primary).(Middle)...(Ultimate) 
  • Foot Size
    • Stress will either be applied on every second (Biambic) or third (Triambic) syllable/mora in a sound-word.
  • Count By
    • Stress in the language will be assigned based on either Syllabic grouping (/ or Moraic grouping ([mi,m,i,m,bu])
  • Stress System
    • Fixed stress always places on the same initial syllable position, while Phonemic is (programmatically) random.
  • Moraism (Only applicable if Count By is Moraic)
    • Maximum number of Morae a syllable can be split into based on vowel length and coda.
      • Bimoraic: /nu:n/ -> [nu,un]
      • Trimoraic /nu:n/ -> [nu,u,n]
  • Resultant Stress (only applicable if Foot Size is Triambic)
    • If true, apply secondary stresses to sound-parts directly before or after a primary stress
  • Resultant Stress Direction
    • Primary, places a secondary stress on the syllable/mora before one with a primary stress, while Ultimate places one after the primary stress.
Fixed System Settings
  • Stress Degree
    • The syllable (1st, 2nd, 3rd) to put the initial stress on.
      • Note: In a Biambic language, the 1st and 3rd options are essentially equivalent as a stress on the third sound-part would place a primary stress on the first (3-2) in the same way it would place a primary stress on the fifth sound-part.
  • Stress Direction
    • The direction to count syllables/morae. Primary starts at the beginning of the sound-word and Ultimate starts at the end.